Kindergarten Readiness
Children turning 5 on or before September 1 are eligible to enter Kindergarten in the Wissahickon School District. Once a student is registered, starting in January for the following school year, students are invited to school to participate in our Kindergarten Interview, an opportunity for a kindergarten teacher, reading specialist, or school counselor to meet with and learn more about your child in preparation for the start of the school year. As part of the Kindergarten registration process, all students are screened for readiness. Some students are referred to a four-week skills-building summer program in preparation for their Kindergarten year, but all who meet registration requirements may attend Kindergarten in the Fall.
Kindergarten Registration Details
One way to help prepare your child for kindergarten is through reading. Wissahickon’s “Tips4Kids” program provides literacy tips to help your child(ren) learn to love reading! Subscribe to Tips4Kids.