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Student Activities

Mile Club

Mile Club meets on Monday and Wednesday mornings from 8:15-8:30 a.m. and on Tuesdays during recess weather permitting. Students’ miles are tracked with an electronic scanner and their progress is posted on the bulletin board outside the gym. Parent volunteers needed.

Music Programs

Band, Chorus, and String Orchestra ensembles will meet before the school day for full rehearsals. Students in fourth and fifth grades are encouraged to participate in both the instrumental music program and the choral program. Rehearsals begin promptly at 7:50 a.m. Transportation to rehearsals must be provided by a parent/guardian.

Code of Conduct for Concerts

Reading Olympics

The goal of the Reading Olympics is to increase students' reading for enjoyment. Students collaborate with their teammates to read forty to fifty books that have been selected by a committee of librarians, reading specialists and classroom teachers. These professionals read the books and write questions which teams of students answer during the competition. The Olympics are primarily a celebration of reading rather than a contest. All participants are awarded ribbons. Since the teams generate much excitement about this event, the experience is rewarding for everyone involved.


Safeties monitor hallways, escort our kindergarten students, help teachers in the bus rooms and at parent pick-up and assist students and the bus drivers with making sure our students stay safe. We are proud of our Blue Bell Safeties.

Students also participate in other fun activities including: 

  • Author Visits
  • Back to School Picnic
  • Halloween Parade
  • Book Fair 
  • Field Trips
  • Heroes Day
  • Special assemblies sponsored by the HSA
  • Veterans Day Assembly
BBE Safeties


BBE Musicians


BBE Students on Playground